TurnAround, Inc.

8503 LaSalle Rd., Towson, MD 2128

TurnAround, Inc. is a comprehensive domestic violence and rape crisis center with offices in Baltimore City and Baltimore County.

We are the only organization in the Baltimore area with the mission, expertise, and capacity to work with this range of victimizations, and we are the designated rape crisis center for those jurisdictions.

Our mission is to educate, advocate for, and empower all people impacted by intimate partner violence, sexual violence, and human trafficking. For more than 40 years, TurnAround has provided services to survivors in metro Baltimore.

We provide emergency shelter and transportation, trauma therapy, assistance with basic needs such as food and hygiene products, legal referrals, and court accompaniment.

TurnAround’s services are provided at no cost—we serve all survivors, regardless of income, age, race/ethnicity, immigration status, gender, or sexual identity.

We provide trauma-informed services and have a long history of serving individuals with multiple victimizations with our highly effective trauma therapy program. Over 90 percent of our clients who completed therapy have reported making significant progress on trauma-related symptoms.

In 2019, calls to TurnAround’s 24/7 hotline averaged around 1,500. Since COVID started, we have seen calls double. Our Crisis Response Coordinators have responded to more than 3,000 hotline calls over the last year.

This fall, we are kicking off our first, one-of-a-kind campaign, “7 Weeks of Giving.” Each week starting October 7, we will spotlight a specific subject or service of our work and its impact in the community.

A $25 donation can provide a cab ride for a survivor fleeing violence, $100 provides a night of shelter for a survivor and their children. Opportunities for matching donations will be available. To help survivors, please visit turnaroundinc.org. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor and provide matching opportunities, please contact Jean Henningsen at [email protected]