
1792 Union Avenue,
Baltimore, MD 21211

Diapers are essential to keep a baby clean and healthy, but one in two U.S. families report not having enough for their children.

ShareBaby is a nonprofit organization that believes all babies deserve to have their basic needs met. For nearly a decade, the organization has provided diapers to families in Baltimore.

Many parents say the financial burden of diapers is overwhelming and stressful. One Baltimore mom shared how she repurposed anything she could find to try to substitute for a diaper. “I’d take a rag and just make it like a [diaper]. If I ran out of that, I’d wash that and put it back on, or take my pads and make it like a diaper. And that’s hard. It’s really hard.”

Help ShareBaby end diaper insecurity and fully meet the needs of families in Baltimore. To learn more about ShareBaby, visit our website and social media @sharebabyMD, or scan the QR code below. Additionally, you can donate, volunteer, or send items.