Education & Family
One Is Too Many
Looking Baltimore's gun violence epidemic in the eye, one grieving mother at a time.

Baltimore magazine would like to gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Millie Brown and her foundation, A Mother’s Cry, in bringing this feature to fruition.
t is often said that there is no loss in life like the loss of a child. The four women photographed and interviewed on the following pages know this all too well.
As 2017 draws to a close and Baltimore exceeds 300 homicides for the third consecutive year, these women are part of an ever-growing web of parents for whom this unthinkable loss is the new reality.
Of course, the crisis is not confined to just our city. Whether we’re talking about mass shootings, suicides, or the steady stream of gun homicides that plague cities such as Chicago, St. Louis, and, yes, Baltimore, the problem is inarguably a national and longstanding one. In fact, public health officials—including Baltimore Health Commissioner Leana Wen and the dean of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Ellen MacKenzie—are increasingly pressing lawmakers to treat America’s high rate of gun violence as they do other health epidemics, like obesity or opioid addiction.
Still, Baltimore’s gun violence—a sickeningly reliable drumbeat of murder that predominantly strikes young African-American men from low-income neighborhoods—feels like its own specific strain of the national disease. And while there’s no doubt that the parents and loved ones of the victims suffer most acutely, this backdrop of violence warps all of our daily lives, no matter how far removed we might like to think we are from the carnage. When we quietly detour because police tape blocks our commuting route; when we lock the doors and close the blinds as a helicopter spotlight probes our backyard or alley; when we send cards and flowers, cook casseroles, and attend vigils; when we avoid entire neighborhoods; when we continue—in ways small and large—to accommodate the constant violence, we are, in some sense, admitting defeat.
So while it’s necessary to examine the data for patterns that can inform smart policy, we must never accept the homicide stats as if they’re some kind of macabre box score. We must recognize that each statistic is a human being, a life specific and meaningful, and that even one loss is one too many.
In that spirit, we asked these mothers to share their stories. That they were willing to speak publicly is no small gift to us. May we repay their generosity by listening carefully to their voices, and continue to ask ourselves, “Is this honestly the best that we can do?”
Baltimore magazine would like to gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Millie Brown and her foundation, A Mother’s Cry, in bringing this feature to fruition.
L’Tonya Carrothers
Lost Sherman Carrothers Jr., February 8, 2017
On the night of February 8, Sherman Carrothers Jr. returned home from visiting his mother and interrupted burglars robbing his house. The burglars opened fire, killing Carrothers, a 42-year-old father of seven and grandfather of four. He is also survived by three brothers and his mother, L’Tonya. No arrests have been made in Carrothers’ murder.

That particular night, my son was at my house. We live directly around the corner from each other. We laughed and talked about football, as usual, and food. He ate dinner with me. He got there about quarter of eight, and he left exactly at 10 after nine. 9:32, he was dead.
He walked into his house, and I don’t think the burglars had any lights on. As he got inside, he went to lock the door up for the night, and they just started shooting. And evidently, he was trying to—he did—make it out the front door. They shot him as he was going. They shot him four times. The fourth bullet is what killed him.
About 9:20, I got a phone call from a neighbor who said I needed to come up there right away, they believed that my son was shot. I got up there a few minutes later. They had already taken him to the hospital, so my other son and I went over to Johns Hopkins. He was dead when I got there.
About 9:20, I got a phone call from a neighbor who said I needed to come up there right away, they believed that my son was shot. I got up there a few minutes later. They had already taken him to the hospital, so my other son and I went over to Johns Hopkins. He was dead when I got there.
I don’t know if he recognized [the burglars]. I don’t know. My son was very popular because he was a soft-spoken man. He was friendly. As far as I know, he didn’t have any enemies. He wasn’t nothing but a big old teddy bear.
We had been looking for houses [to buy together]. We just wanted a bigger house because we had all these grandchildren, great-grands, and we wanted a bigger yard so we could put [in] a swimming pool. This happened on Wednesday night, and we were supposed to go the next day to a second showing at a house that we both liked. That Friday, I told my other son, ʻI’m going to get that house.ʼ And I’m in that house today. I had to [move]. You know I couldn’t stay in that area.
These people out here these days, they just don’t know what they’re doing, but, then again, they do know, but they don’t care. They need to get that evil fought because Satan is taking over. We don’t have to bother anybody. Folks out there: Put them guns down. So you’re angry with somebody—and that’s okay. That’s an emotion that’s okay to feel. Be angry with somebody. I get angry, too, once in a while, but I don’t want to go out and kill nobody. If I had my way, a police officer wouldn’t even have a gun. I didn’t care for them before. I really don’t care for them now.
It’s really hard to accept your child’s death. I know he’s with God, so I don’t worry about that part. The thing my mind keeps going to is how he died. I can’t deal with that. It was a violent death.
He ate dinner with me. He got there about quarter of eight and he left exactly at 10 after nine. 9:32, he was dead.

Sherman Carrothers Jr.
Where do you go from here? I ask myself a million times, ‘Why my child?’ But then I ask God, ‘Why anybody’s child?’ One is too many, it’s just too many.
Some folks I’ve talked to still have their children. I don’t care for anybody who comes up to me and says, ‘I know how you feel.’ No, you don’t. You don’t have a clue how I feel. You can say, ‘I’m sorry for your loss,’ but for those whose children are still walking around, I don’t want to hear no stuff about, ‘I know how you feel.’
I hold on to my faith. These people think that they have destroyed my family. They haven’t. They shook us up. They broke our hearts. Sometimes I don’t even want to get out of the bed. As a result of this—I had four sons—the other three keep a lot of things bottled in. They don’t even want to talk about their brother’s death. But I know I’ve gotta go on. [Sherman] had seven children. Two are minors, two little boys. One just turned five and the other will be seven on November 11. I have to keep going because I have to help those two little boys. He [also] has four granddaughters. I gotta be strong for them.
There’s never going to be any closure. What’s closure? I want some justice, but there’s never closure. If I’ll never miss nothing else in my life, I miss my son. I don’t know what else to say.
Sharonda Rhodes
Lost Markel Scott, March 16, 2017
On March 16, 2017, 19-year-old Markel Scott was on his way home from hanging out with friends in East Baltimore when an unknown assailant or assailants shot him six times, including twice in the face. At the time of his death, Scott was a senior at Excel Academy, an alternative high school in West Baltimore, where he was just weeks away from graduation. He was the fourth of five Excel Academy students killed by gun violence during the 2016-2017 school year. A sixth was killed over the summer.

I work at night as a mental health technician. I was running late for work. And I just thought he was calling me, ‘Ma, can you come pick me up before you go to work?’ To hear those words: ‘Your son was shot.’ I just couldn’t even imagine. This was like one of my biggest fears, actually, because I worked in trauma as a nurse technician at [University of Maryland] Shock Trauma, and I’ve seen the violence. But me and my son always thought that violence don’t happen unless you do something, you know? People don’t bring no harm to you, unless you did something directly. But this wasn’t the case. He only had $5 in his pocket. He had his earphones on. He had his book bag.
He made me proud. He had his moments, you know, but he was funny. He liked to dress—he really liked to dress; that’s what he was known for. He was talented. He was one of them kids who used to say, ‘No, I’m going to find a way.’ And he was very intelligent.
I loved Markel so much. I fought for my son. I wasn’t one of them mothers who turned a blind eye. I was one of the mothers who went through his room, went through his Facebook, if he left his phone open, went through his Instagram. He came in the house plenty of times when I’m searching his room and he’s like, laughing, because he knows I’m not going to find nothing. It was just for my own peace.
When he dropped out of school in 2015, I would wake him up at 7 o’clock like, ‘No, you gotta get out of here. You’re not staying in here if you don’t want to go to school.’ And it didn’t even dawn on me that he had lost like three friends right around the same time. He might have had post-traumatic stress, and that might have contributed to him dropping out of school.
Now, seven months later, I’m still angry because we don’t know who killed my son. so there’s this paranoia, this fear that I carry with me.

Markel Scott
I think it was November or October of 2016 [that] he woke me up one morning. I had worked that night. I, myself, was eight credits away from finishing a nursing program. So I was tired, and I said, ‘Let me get an hour or two of sleep.’ And he woke me up like, ‘Ma, can you take me to school?’ I turned over all groggy, like, ‘Boy, I am tired. I just came from work.ʼ And I just put the covers over me like, ‘Can you shut my door?’ And then I jumped up and said, ‘School?!’ He started laughing. He was like, ‘Yeah, I already went to North Avenue and reenrolled myself. All you’ve got to do is just drop me off.’ He had already got everything straight. That’s all he wanted to do. He was supposed to graduate this year. I had a funeral, a graduation, and birthday for this same child within 12 weeks.
Now, seven months later, I’m still angry because we don’t know who killed my son. Nobody has been arrested for it. So I know he’s still among us, so there’s this paranoia, this fear that I carry with me. It makes me shelter my other kids, too. It’s like I’ve got to keep a hold on them, which is kind of bad, but good at the same time.
I was so numb for the first couple months. I’m really just coming around to getting a little bit of feeling in me. There are no stages no more because some days I’m happy, some days I’m sad, some days I’m punching a wall, some days I’m screaming, some days I’m crying, and some days I just want to know ‘Why, God? Why? What was the testimony in this?’
Donyelle Brown
Lost Louis Cody Young, July 1, 2017
In the early morning of July 1, Louis Cody Young was a passenger in a car that had stopped to refuel at a gas station in Northwest Baltimore. Shortly after Young and his party arrived at the gas station, a Volkswagen Passat pulled in and two men jumped out and began shooting. Young was hit multiple times and died of his wounds shortly thereafter. Young’s mother and his ex-stepfather, prominent Baltimore defense attorney Warren Brown, offered a $10,000 reward for the capture of the perpetrators, and police have arrested two suspects. Young was a stranger to his assailants, and the crime is described as one of “opportunity.”

It’s just senseless. There was no attempted robbery. There was no, ‘I’m going to gain revenge.’ He never even spent time over on that side of town. All of his friends are [either] at Stevenson University [or] they live on, like, the east side of Baltimore. None of this added up for us.
Cody was 22. Cody had taken off a year [from college]. He’s been playing football since the age of probably 12 or 13, but he left to play in different states starting at the age of like 14 or 15. He had an extensive career, and if you Google him, he’s there. And this is actually the first year he’s been really home, in Baltimore, for the whole year.
You do blame yourself sometimes. You do. You blame yourself like, ‘Why couldn’t I have just told him to . . .’ He’s twenty-something years old. I can’t say, ‘Get your butt in here now. Come home.’ These are grown kids, literally. He has a driver’s license. He’s legal age. I can’t stop him. But then you think about, ‘Well, had he stayed in college and never come back for a year . . .’ Your mind just tells you all kinds of things.
Cody and I were very, very close. His determination to help people, his level of loyalty was incredible. He defended everyone he loved. He would never let you go somewhere by yourself. Like that night, he didn’t let his step-brother, who is my ex-husband’s son, go to the gas station by himself. That’s the level of commitment. What he had tattooed on his arm was ‘loyalty over royalty.’ That’s all he said, ‘Mom, loyalty over royalty.’ I said, ‘Cody, what does that mean?’ He said, ‘I am loyal to those that love me. Royalty, money, materialistic things, that’s not success, mom. Me being loyal to what I’m passionate about is.’ And that was the biggest joy I got from him. He pretty much knew who he was.
You have a city that’s so fearful. Do we walk in fear? Or do we take a stand and win back with love?

Louis Cody Young
I think [his death] has had a great impact in realizing how we need to stick together as a family and understand that when we disagree, that we don’t let it just fester. I think, more than that, it has affected my 7-year-old grandson, my daughter’s son. He knows Uncle Cody has gone to be with God, but he thinks sometimes, if it rains, Uncle Cody could come through the rain. But he plays football for Uncle Cody. He does well in school for Uncle Cody.
I can honestly say—maybe I grieve differently—sometimes I believe he’s still coming home. That gets me through. Sometimes I don’t believe he’s gone. If I believe, like, ‘He’s away at college,’ that keeps me alive. I think if I really just went home and said . . . and I can’t say it.
You know, I promise, if it takes me everything, if some days I can’t get out of the bed, I get out of the bed, because his life will matter. I’m working on his foundation, The Cody Young Foundation, which provides mentorship to children. This is not just about this individual child, that individual child. This is about people collectively. We are suffering. This thing doesn’t have a face. It doesn’t identify with your ZIP code, your address, where you live anymore. It has taken innocent lives.
I prayed not too long ago and the message that kept on coming to me was, ‘Baltimore is not a leftover. Let’s just begin to make it over.’ I think that these kids have lost so much hope. You have a city that’s so fearful. Do we walk in fear? Or do we take a stand and win back with love? See, anybody knows that love conquers everything. If you tell the most hateful person, ‘I love you,’ you’re going to love the hate out of them. We’ve got to start looking at things from that perspective, and I think that’s what my son did for me. He loved me. And so I went places—because he was 270 pounds, 6 feet tall—I was like, ‘My son got me. He loves me.’ I’ll never have that again. But I can have that if I build that in other people.
Nicole Tilghman-Smith
Lost Sean Williams Jr., June 18, 2017
To those familiar with Baltimore’s dirt bike culture, Sean Williams Jr. was something of a celebrity. Also known as Biker Boy Sean, Williams was a member of Baltimore’s famed dirt bike crew, the 12 O’clock Boys, and a aspiring motocross racer. The 18 year old was shot in June while riding his dirt bike through West Baltimore. His murder remains unsolved.

He was murdered on Father’s Day. I was at a Father’s Day cookout, and I had just seen him. I noticed that he was gone, and I got this funny feeling. I asked his stepbrother, ‘Where’s your brother?’ and he said, ‘Oh, he’s over there shooting dice,ʼ or ‘He went to take the bike back.’ So I was like, ‘Something ain’t right.’ And then my oldest daughter called me yelling and screaming and said Sean had gotten shot off of a bike.
I got to the scene as they were wheeling him to the ambulance. The EMT asked me to get into the ambulance. So I got in and just began to pray and started trying to call people to come meet me at the hospital because I knew that if anything happened to him that I wasn’t going to be no more good. So I was just praying, and the EMT was just saying, ‘Please don’t scream and yell, because that could make him go into shock,’ so they closed the curtain, and we went to Shock Trauma, University of Maryland.
Once one person found out he was shot, it just traveled. So it was like 200, 300 people at the hospital. Then maybe 45 minutes after he had been there, the chaplain, the nurse, the doctor, and all these security guards came back downstairs and told me that he didn’t make it. I just lost it because he had only been home for five days.
He had been six months in prison. It’s illegal to ride dirt bikes in Baltimore City, so once he turned 18, they just put all of his dirt bike charges against him. I begged him to stay off the bike, but he wouldn’t. There was a gun charge against him [too] because one of his friends had called the police and told the police that Sean had a gun in my house without my knowledge.
the population these days, it seems like everyone has a gun—and I don’t understand why. And that’s where a big part of the violence is coming from.

Sean Williams Jr.
He just said that he [had the gun because he] wanted to protect himself with all these people getting killed. I told him, ‘That’s not the way to protect yourself. I don’t want you playing with guns. That’s not the answer.’ We really didn’t talk a lot about it because he knew how I felt about the guns. But the population these days, it seems like everyone has a gun—and I don’t understand why. And that’s where a big part of the violence is coming from.
Sean was a fun kid. He was an agitator. Irky. He liked to pick with people. He liked to make jokes. He liked to dress real nice. He liked to go out partying. He was family-oriented. He loved his nieces and nephews. He loved family gatherings. He always had to come through on a bike. From a young age, all he wanted to do was ride a dirt bike. Take ’em apart, put ’em back together. He did the motocross last January for the first time, at the Baltimore Arena. He came in fourth place. He just kept saying when he became a professional dirt bike rider, he wanted to move [me] out of Baltimore City.
I’m just an emotional wreck really, because I’m trying to wrap my mind around the fact that I’m never going to see him again. I work for the University of Maryland department of psychiatry. It took me like two and half months to go back to work because I’m in the field of helping people. So I just felt like listening to other people’s problems would not help me. [My colleagues] give me hugs and just try to console me. I’ve had a lot of support. I go to counseling. Sometimes I want to be bothered, and sometimes I just want to be to myself. But for the most part I just pray to God to give me the strength.
2017 Gun Homicides Baltimore City (as of December 8, 2017)
Total Homicides: 325 | Gun Deaths: 28 | Gun deaths as percentage of total homicides: 87.7 percent
*Indicates a victim was shot in a prior year but died from his or her injuries on the date listed.
One victim, Terry Wells, was shot in 2007 and died in September 2016. His death was ruled a gun-related homicide on March 19, and is therefore included here.
**This information was collated from multiple sources, including The Sun’s homicide map, City Paper, and the Baltimore Police Department. In some cases, records were incomplete.
To correct an error or omission, email [email protected].
- *Terry Wells, 29, September 23, 2016
- Sheamon Perlie, 20, January 1
- James Williams, 33, January 1
- Davonte Jackson, 24, January 3
- Jamal Washington, 38, January 3
- Timothy Stephens, 32, January 4
- Jeffry Douglas, 47, January 7
- Chris Pennington, 32, January 9
- Cody Boyd, 26, January 10
- Teshombae Harvell, 27, January 10
- Desean Mcelveen, 17, January 12
- Domonique Thaniel, 37, January 12
- Dominique Hall, 24, January 13
- Rashawn Fenner, 24, January 15
- Andrew Zachary, 23, January 15
- George Cookson, 31, January 19
- Angelo Wheeler, 38, January 19
- Herbert Allen, 44, January 20
- Shawn Davis, 34, January 20
- Antonio Paesch, 24, January 22
- Sherman Johnson, 59, January 23
- Michelle Mettee, 34, January 23
- Kelvin Armstead, 34, January 24
- Stephanie Hullihen, 30, January 24
- Marvin Odell, 31, January 25
- Lennell Reece, 27, January 25
- Raheem Payne, 22, January 26
- Dontia Akins, 33, January 27
- Donnell Delbridge, 25, January 28
- Maryus Smith Jr., 31, January 28
- Brandon Anderson, 21, February 1
- Donald Sympton, 20, February 1
- Tonja Chadwick, 20, February 2
- *Derrell Smith, 32, February 2
- Jessie Worthen, 53, February 2
- James Hendricks, 24, February 3
- Lawrence Jones, 25, February 3
- Dominick Marshall, 21, February 5
- Tyrone Donelson, 22, February 6
- Sherman Carrothers, 42, February 8
- Davon Williams, 28, February 8
- Deontae Bluefort, 21, February 9
- *Nathan Matthews, 62, February 9
- Sir Moodie, 27, February 12
- Bryant Beverly, 18, February 13
- Antoine Mayo, 41, February 18
- Jackie Burris, 26, February 21
- Sherman Smith, 40, February 22
- Thomas Lee Jr., 38, February 23
- Derron Strickland, 35, February 26
- Laron Griffin, 31, February 28
- Jamil Owens, 40, March 8
- Sean Wood, 26, March 8
- Kalil Matthews, 23, March 9
- Dominick Smith, 30, March 9
- William Lesane, 33, March 11
- Andrew Jackson, 30, March 13
- Montell Pridgett, 24, March 15
- Markell Scott, 19, March 16
- Davon Fair, 24, March 17
- Donya Rigby, 28, March 17
- Dashon Houston, 26, March 19
- Alphonza Watson, 38, March 22
- Melvin Chisholm, 40, March 24
- Victorious Swift, 19, March 26
- Ernest Solomon, 26, March 27
- Fernando Riley, 30, March 29
- Brandon West, 27, March 30
- Lamar Chambers, 22, April 3
- Larry Miller, 20, April 4
- Douglass Holt, 36, April 8
- *Lyndon Waddell Jr., 29, April 8
- Maurice Walker, 27, April 8
- Tyrone McMillian, 30, April 9
- Darian Watson, 27, April 9
- Corey Earl Brown, 40, April 10
- Tion Singletary, 22, April 11
- Shaquan Trusty, 16, April 13
- Trayvon Chesley, 22, April 14
- Victor Lane, 50, April 14
- Phillip Bradford, 57, April 15
- Shahidah Barnes, 28, April 16
- Mario Jones, 28, April 16
- Michael Wise, 25, April 16
- Rominico Roland, 39, April 18
- Lavander Edwards, 17, April 20
- Gregory Jones, 38, April 23
- Michael Scott, 33, April 24
- Mackinley Williams, 53, April 24
- Ronald Rice, 29, April 27
- Andrew Terrell, 41, April 28
- Steven Jackson, 18, April 29
- Larry Lawson, 29, April 29
- Ashley Long, 29, April 29
- Edgar Powers, 35, April 30
- Darrien Singleton, 23, April 30
- Donald Holbrook, 26, May 2
- Dartania Tibbs, 49, May 2
- Kevin Watkins, 30, May 2
- Charles Frazier, 44, May 3
- Tyrell Matthews, 24, May 4
- Tarrol Carroll, 39, May 6
- Raynesha Hunt, 24, May 6
- Carlos Montgomery, 44, May 6
- Channon Simpkins, 28, May 6
- Tony Tingle, 31, May 6
- Charles Gatuthu, 35, May 8
- D’andre Johnson, 25, May 8
- Kwame Cheeks, 29, May 9
- Deandre Coleman, 19, May 9
- Michael Duncan, 37, May 9
- Joshua Perry, 32, May 11
- Vincent Curtis, 53, May 12
- Dashanae Woodson, 17, May 14
- Tomez Lee, 32, May 15
- Brandon Lucas, 26, May 15
- Tyrelle Williams, 26, May 16
- Damontez Hudgin, 20, May 17
- Thomas Wyatt, 48, May 18
- Dorian Lumpkins, 20, May 21
- Bruce Chester, 66, May 22
- Maurice Stovall, 33, May 22
- Tyrone Dickens, 27, May 24
- *Dorian Faulkner, 29, May 24
- Bernard Madison, 28, May 24
- Jermaine Mitchell, 23, May 26
- Troy Horton Jr., 30, May 29
- Everette Brown, 35, May 30
- Omar Farabee, 31, May 30
- Donta Culp, 38, May 31
- Donald Cherry, 25, June 2
- Greg Manuel, 24, June 3
- Robert Smith Jr., 28, June 3
- Stephanie Weissner, 29, June 3
- Tyione Brown, 19, June 9
- Name and Age Unreleased, June 9
- Marco Stevenson, 22, June 12
- Rodney Wheatley, 28, June 12
- Charmaine Wilson, 37, June 12
- Sebastian Dvorak, 27, June 13
- Antonio Griffin, 26, June 13
- Tereze Pinkney, 22, June 13
- Sean Williams, 18, June 18
- Larry Bustion, 53, June 20
- Khaya Lambert, 23, June 22
- Charles Johnson, 31 June 23
- Dante Hicks, 23, June 25
- Randy Rochester, 32, June 25
- Robert Gardner, 28, June 28
- Marquette Hall, 25, June 29
- Kamal Thomas, 40, June 29
- Dione Maurice Solomon, 29, July 1
- Louis Cody Young, 22, July 1
- Dionay Smith, 24, July 2
- Malcolm Parker, 47, July 2
- Ronnie Banks, 56, July 3
- Charlie Stevenson, 54, July 3
- Eingming Huang, 63, July 5
- Darryl Owens, 23, July 5
- Elijah Stratton, 32, July 5
- George Thompson, 43, July 5
- Alves Stephens, 50, July 6
- Antoine Fritz, 23, July 12
- Devontae Woodley, 23, July 13
- Christopher Hockaday, 31, July 14
- Melvin Truesdale, 24, July 14
- Maurice Finney, 22, July 17
- Rashaw Scott, 26, July 18
- Malone Sanders, 21, July 22
- Vince Waters, 24, July 23
- Kevin Joyner, 46, July 25
- Rashad Parks, 19, July 25
- Necole Raheem, 28, July 25
- Donnell Pierce, 23, July 26
- Dustin McNeil, 26, July 27
- Montez Macklin, 33, July 28
- Dawan Hawkins, 29, July 29
- Donta Cook, 24, July 30
- *Antonio Littlejohn, 55, July 31
- Wayne Damon, 34, August 1
- Ronald Mundell Jr., 36, August 2
- Degoul Pietros, 36, August 2
- *John Gray, 47, August 3
- Donte Johnson, 37, August 5
- Lamontrey Tynes, 24, August 5
- Barry Lee, 34, August 7
- Deric Ford Sr., 54, August 8
- *Thomas Chambers, 49, August 10
- Tyrese Davis, 15, August 10
- George Madariaga, 69, August 10
- Thomas Johnson, 16, August 11
- Theron McClary, 29, August 11
- Carlos Watkins-Smith, 23, August 11
- James Wellman, 32, August 12
- Terrance Newman, 23, August 14
- Rondell Williams, 29, August 16
- David Deminds, 23, August 17
- Devante Monroe, 24, August 18
- Allen Rice, 22, August 19
- Keith Davis, 54, August 21
- Jeremy Hall, 24, August 22
- Jeffrey Quick, 15, August 22
- Devin Booze, 35, August 25
- Derrian Griffin, 32, August 25
- Troy Gladney, 40, August 30
- Vaughn Riley, 27, August 30
- Nakim Turner, 25, August 30
- Carlos Jones, 27, August 31
- Vasunlala Irvin, 41, September 2
- Antoine “Georgie” Rich, 46, September 2
- Joshua Bayne, 25, September 4
- Tyrone Ray, 22, September 4
- Sheldon Chase, 36, September 4
- Theodore Pigford, 26, September 6
- Kevin Nixon, 36, September 8
- Ricardo Lyles, 39, September 11
- Shawn Armstrong, 31, September 16
- Branston Lewis, 32, September 17
- Rahine Doughtry, 43, September 19
- Darnell Rice, 30, September 19
- Robert Bridgeman, 27, September 21
- Kevin Bailey, 43, September 22
- Jeima Bell, 29, September 23
- Earnest Brown, 48, September 23
- Michael Cudnik Jr., 22, September 23
- Michael Blevins, 24, September 24
- Kevin Crockett, 18, September 25
- Gerry Hall, 41, September 25
- Sean White, 23, September 25
- Charles Hamilton, 39, September 26
- Angelo West, 42, September 26
- Kenneth Burton, 27, September 27
- Anton Carter, 39, September 29
- Bernard Mackey, 51, September 30
- Larry Brown, 18, October 1
- Devante Wright-Felder, 24, October 1
- Daniel Brinkley, 24, October 2
- Bruce Williams, 24, October 2
- Robert Breen, 68, October 3
- Dontais Gaines, 40, October 4
- Malik Michael Perry, 19, October 5
- Dandre McLaughlin, 19, October 10
- Derrean Mills, 24, October 10
- James Steadman IV, 26, October 10
- Anthony Foster, 31, October 12
- James Steadman IV, 26, October 13
- Daryl Singleterry, 43, October 13
- Terrill Kennedy, 29, October 15
- Donald Rouse, 43, October 15
- Julio Valdes, 42, October 17
- Demetrius Mitchell, 21, October 18
- Kendel Lecompte, 27, October 23
- Reggie Adams Jr., 25, October 24
- Antwan Bond, 26, October 24
- Elijah Johnson, 32, October 26
- Melvin Ford, 35, October 27
- Reginald Jefferson, 29, October 27
- Phillip Johnson, 44, October 28
- Anthony Cheeks, 17, October 29
- Dontay Parker, 26, October 30
- Robert Brown, 54, October 31
- Janie McCray, 57, October 31
- Maurice Byrd, 31, November 2
- Dimitrius Jones Jr., 31, November 2
- Ashley Quaster, 33, November 2
- Tony Mason Jr., 40, November 4
- Winfield Parker, 51, November 6
- Gerald Gardner, 33 November 12
- Dashon Griffin, 26 November 12
- Alexander Wrobleski, 41, November 14
- Sean Suitor, 43, November 16
- Levar Bailey, 40 November 21
- Travon Johnson, 30, November 24
- Preston Nichols, 34, November 24
- Stefon Cook, 20, November 25
- Alexus McBride, 35, November 25
- Joshua Richardson, 26 November 27
- Danny Grant, 50, November 28
- John Stevenson, 34, November 28
- Darryl Burks Jr., 25, November 29
- Malik Hall, 21, November 30
- Jon Hickey, 31, November 30
- Anthony Hall, 26, December 2
- Raekwon Leach, 22, December 3
- Name Unreleased, Age Unknown, December 6
- Name Unreleased, Age Unknown, December 7