Last night, I had the privilege of attending the
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Passion for Food & Wine dinner at the Four Seasons Hotel. The event, which is in its third year, featured more than 30 different chefs, bartenders, and pastry chefs crafting multi-course dinners, cocktails, and desserts.
The grand ballroom at the Four Seasons was filled with the city’s best chefs including Bryan Voltaggio of Aggio, Sergio Vitale from Aldo’s, Spike Gjerde and Opie Crooks from Woodberry Kitchen, Chad Gauss from The Food Market, Zack Mills from Wit & Wisdom, Chris Becker from Fleet Street Kitchen, and many more.
I was lucky enough to sit at the table where
Cunnigham’s was cooking and executive chef Tommy Hermann did not disappoint. Standout courses included a delicate and well-balanced nasturtium (edible flower) and chanterelle ravioli dish, as well as an adventurous pig sampler and plums entree, pictured. All the while, beverage director Tim Riley was pouring ideal wine pairings for each course.
Also of note were some stellar cocktails—including a gooseberry and (“Best of Baltimore” winner) Lyon Distilling rum creation by Aaron Joseph from Wit & Wisdom, pictured—and amazing desserts like the Oreo macaron from Tiffany MacIssac from Buttercream Bakeshop.
The event was entirely to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF), which is the world leader in finding a cure for the disease that affects 70,000 people worldwide. To find out more about how to donate,
visit their site and to hear a local, personal story about the disease, see Katharine Schildt Scrivener’s “For 30 More” campaign.