Baltimore magazine’s Top Agents
Submit your top performing real estate agents today!
Give Your 2023
Top Residential Real Estate Producers
The Recognition They Deserve
Now is the time to recognize your top performing real estate agents for calendar year 2023. Top producers from Baltimore City, Baltimore, Howard, Harford, Carroll, and Anne Arundel Counties with a minimum of $7.5 million in sales will be featured in the August issue of Baltimore magazine.
All qualifications must be submitted by a brokerage executive, such as a Marketing Manager, Office Manager, President, CFO, or CEO. Nominations from individual agents will not be accepted.
To ensure that your firm’s agents are considered for inclusion on this prestigious list, we must receive your form by Friday, April 19, 2024. Please do not hesitate to contact Christianna McCausland with any questions at [email protected].
How to fill out this form:
- Prepare to spend approximately one minute per agent on this form.
- Up to 25 agents can be submitted at a time. If you have more than 25 agents, submit the form, return to this page, refresh, and you will regain a new form for more entries.
- Once you submit the form, a confirmation email (including all your submitted information) will be sent to the broker’s email address supplied on the form. Reply to that email to report any errors.
- If you do not receive a confirmation email from [email protected], the form has not been submitted and will need to be resent. Remember to check spam.
- Need to leave and return to the form later? Select “Save and Continue” at the bottom of the form. You’ll receive a unique link to your form at the stage it was saved. You will have the option to email yourself a link to the form to return to it later.
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