Five things to eat, drink, see, hear, and do with your Charm City and Labor Day weekend. Because it’s a long one, and the forecast is perfection.
September 5: BBQ on the Bay
Wit & Wisdom, 200 International Dr. 5-9 p.m. $65+. 410-576-5800. witandwisdombaltimore.com.
With summer coming to a close, it’s time to get in all of the barbecue you can. This Saturday at Wit & Wisdom, award-winning chef Michael Mina is throwing a B-more BBQ, with oysters two ways (freshly shucked or smoked with herbs and Old Bay butter), lots of smoked meat (brisket sliders, Natty Boh bratwurst, a whole smoked pig), tacos, and picnic-style sides (corn on the cob, baked beans, potato salad). Eat up your Maryland summer with a harbor view, drink down fancy cocktails and local beers, and enjoy live music at this awesome end-of-summer soirée.
September 4: Atomic Books Eightbar Second Anniversary Party
Atomic Books, 3620 Falls Rd. 7-10 p.m. 410-662-4444. atomicbooks.com.
Past the eye-popping collection of comics, coloring books, novels, and toys, you’ll find a little bar at the back of Atomic Books in Hampden. Eightbar is a small, stooled bar covered in cartoons with a fridge full of local and eclectic beers. This Friday, it’s celebrating its second birthday with some neighbors, featuring special beer by Union Craft Brewing, snacks from Golden West Café, and the hustle and bustle of the neighborhood’s First Friday fete. Sip some brews, browse or buy a few books, and scramble down The Avenue to soak up the first weekend of September.
September 6: John Waters’ Pink Flamingos
Shriver Hall, 3400 N. Charles. 8 p.m. Free-$5. facebook.com.
After the passing of the pink flamingo inventor this past summer, its time to re-watch the 1972 cult classic Pink Flamingos by Baltimore’s director, auteur, and resident weirdo John Waters. Join the Johns Hopkins Film Society to see local criminal and legendary drag diva Divine on the big screen in classic 35mm film. Full of graphic scenes, controversy, and unrivaled humor, the film culminates in her “Filthiest Person Alive” competition, for which you should all be warned. This is not for the faint of heart, but is, in its own way, a piece of Baltimore history.
September 4: Kane Mayfield “The Return of Rap”
The Metro Gallery, 1700 N. Charles St. 9 p.m. $10. 410-244-0899. themetrogallery.net.
We’ve been meaning to write about Kane Mayfield since he first released his impressive The Return of Rap album earlier this year. His confident rhymes and old-school sound are captivating, coming together into an accomplished, thoughtful album that made us excited to have him in Baltimore. Sadly though, the city transplant turned local hip-hop artist has just announced that he’s leaving for a new opportunity, which we can only hope means more music. This Friday, hear him one last time at Metro Gallery, in the second show of a two-part residency to promote the album. Mayfield packed the house in April and now returns with a full live band. There will also be free sandwiches, Flying Dog beer specials, and Baltimore blues prodigy Quinton Randall, who you all should get to know, too.
September 5: Charles Street 12
Starts at The Shops at Kenilworth, 800 Kenilworth Dr., Towson. Ends at Power Plant Live, 34 Market Pl. 7:30 a.m. $85-90. 410-645-8266. charlesst12.com.
Spend your Saturday getting to know your city by jogging through it for 12 solid miles. Start out heading south from the ’burbs towards the campuses of Notre Dame and Johns Hopkins. Pass the colorful homes of Charles Village and the eclectic murals of Station North. Look up at the historically beautiful buildings and Washington Monument in Mt. Vernon. Breeze by the throngs of tourists tootling around downtown and leave the day-drinkers of Federal Hill in your dust. You’ll wrap around the Inner Harbor and finish off at Power Plant Live. There, you can revel in all that you’ve seen at a post-race party, with complimentary beer, boxed lunch, live music, and specials for family and friends.